Tuesday, May 20, 2008

God Intends Good

One of the Moravian Text verses for today is:

You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good. Genesis 50:20 (NIV)

Remember the story of Joseph? So many ups and downs, so many peaks and valleys. I encourage you to read his story if you don’t know it well. He certainly had a rough go of it sometimes and it appeared that God had abandoned him. However, each time, God intended good.

Have you had situations in your life where others have tried to harm you? Or possibly, it isn’t others who are causing the pain, but difficult situations or curve balls that life throws us? Health problems, relationship issues, job loss ... whatever the case .... they appear to be only harmful. We can’t see good in them, especially when we are in the midst of the pain.

However, in those situations, we can see that God intends good. When we come to Him and ask Him to bring about good in our lives through hard times, He can do just that.

Do you feel like someone is intending harm? Or is there a situation in your life that appears like it will only result in negative things? Take consolation in the life of Joseph. No matter how many twists and turns, God always intended good.

Look for the good that God is doing through what may have appeared to be a harmful thing. You’ll find it.

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