Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Reverent Submission

Psalm 37:23-26 Nehemiah 10:28-11:36; Romans 6:5-16

My God, my soul is cast down within me; therefore I remember you. Psalm 42:6

In the days of his flesh, Jesus offered up prayers and supplications, with loud cries and tears, to the one who was able to save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission. Hebrews 5:7

We thank you, dear God, for those who felt life so deeply and expressed themselves so strongly through the psalms. They knew you were present and did not hold back their cries for relief and adoration. Inspire us to express our feelings through their words and know that you always hear us. Amen.

Interesting things to note from the verse in Hebrews:

Jesus cried out to the ONE who was able to save him from death;
He cried out loudly and with tears
He was heard
The reason he was heard was because of his reverent submission.
He didn't get the response we think he probably desired.

How differently we do things. We cry out to everyone else first, whining and moaning.
We often hide our tears from God.
We do not approach God in reverent submision.
When we don't get the desired response, we assume we were not heard.

But it is the very reverent submission that Jesus came to God exposing that led him to the place where he could accept God's answer. "Not my will but thine be done" was his heartfelt prayer.

May God help me to come in reverent submission to cry out loudly with tears and then to truly be accepting of the response.

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